Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Hint in the Sqwabble Sqwoat Riddle

The Ghostly Sqworca, SqwishLand's special game feature for Halloween, is a game filled with puzzles and riddles. I don't want to spoil the fun for you by revealing how you can win the game, but I'll give you a hint.

If you've already passed the first room of the Haunted Mansion with the puzzle, you need to answer the Sqwabble Sqwoat's riddle in the next room. If you give a wrong answer, you'll be lost in SqwishLand. You don't want that to happen, of course. So how can you solve the riddle?

Hint in the Sqwabble Sqwoat Riddle
In the second dark room, the Sqwabble Sqwoat will give you three random words. Using your cursor, you can find these words drawn on the wall. Here’s the hint: you will need to use the number keypad at the lower part of your game screen to solve this riddle. There are three words with corresponding drawings on the wall and you need to enter 3 numbers. What numbers could these be? I'll let you figure that out. Good luck!

Hint in the Sqwabble Sqwoat Riddle
Play minigames | virtual pets

Thursday, October 13, 2011

How To Catch Rare SqwishLanders

Hello SqwishLand players! Listen up, because I have a secret to spill. This can help you out in the new fishing game in the revamped Sqwater Falls in SqwishLand.

To catch rare SqwishLanders, the secret is in the type of fishing rod you're using. Check out the Sqwop. There are three kinds of fishing rods you can choose from. Each fishing rod is equipped with different abilities to catch items from the river. My tip is to purchase the Light Fishing Rod. Even if it will cost you 800 Sqwash, it'll be worth it!

Good luck and have fun fishing!

Play minigames at Sqwishland.com - virtual pets

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

How to Get Free Sqwash and Gifts in SqwishLand

Aside from playing minigames and joining MODJIrah's game events, there is another easy way to win free Sqwash and prizes in SqwishLand. Listen up SqwishLand fans, try to lessen the use of the SqwishMap when going around SqwishLand because there will be gold coins and gifts lying around in the virtual world waiting for you to pick them up.

Remember that these surprises vary each time you log into the game so don't expect to see them at the same spot or get the same prize. So if I were you, I'd take my time when strolling in the different rooms of SqwishLand!

Play minigames at Sqwishland.com - virtual pets